Operation: SNARE Audio Tape Log 3B

  AGENT BEATRICE LIZZIE CORDER turns on the tape to record.


"I was sent to the small, local hardware and autoparts store to investigate a murder. The cashier died of an blunt traumatic injury to the head. It seems like there was an attempt
to burn the body afterwards as gasoline was poured onto it. A few days ago, there was also a murder of a thirty year old woman near Newburg-Rivercrook street was killed in
the local cemetary. They both died of the same causes though there wasn't an attempt to burn those bodies. I was met with a man named Donovan, who said that he was a
close friend of McGregor and he was trying to find out the truth of what he calls ''The Incident'' which had lead McGregor to isolate himself and to push away any help from
Howard. He was told that McGregor had mistreated his wife, Ella - but he had came into her by Ouija board. She said that it wasn't true and that a ''shadow has fallen over their
family''. I told him that I also do paranormal investigations and was working on ghost hunting around the Nightindale area. His eyes brightened as I said that. He suggested
that we should work together. ''I'll think about it...'' I told him. He smiles and we parted our ways. This has been Agent Corder, signing out."

  AGENT BEATRICE LIZZIE CORDER turns off the tape.